Anyone paying attention to this blog might notice that I haven't bothered to post anything for a few months. I regret this. Perhaps I'm not "all that into" this whole blogging thing. Perhaps I'm aware of the futility of trying to make a difference. There was a time I cared enough to craft essays, search for a place to publish, wait in anxiety to hear if my work had been "accepted," then wait some more to see it appear in print, then wait (often in vain) for comment or feedback. Those were the days before blogging, or at least, the days before the ubiquity of blogging. Eventually I stopped sending out articles, especially articles that attempted to comment on social or political issues, focusing instead on matters pertaining to family, children, and faith. Eventually these, too, fizzled out as I began teaching, and as my kids got older and life got busier. I see this diminishing of my writing efforts as losing my voice, getting hoarse...
Originally, this blog was my attempt to "clear my throat," so to speak. It evolved during the lead-up to the 2008 election. I found myself daily pestering people on my email mailing list, sending articles, ranting, raving. I guess I thought my little rants would make a difference.
I'm not sure anything makes a difference. Even if I believe the things I do, and even if I try to articulate them, what difference does it make?
I think I'm depressed and discouraged.There's no scandal too big, no setback too daunting, that Barack Obama somehow can't manage to turn into an asset. The guy's a magician. I don't mean this as a compliment. I don't trust him. He's dishonest, disingenuous, duplicitous. He doesn't play by the rules, at least, not by the rules I respect. I guess he has his own set of rules, ends-justifying-the-means type of rules.
No doubt "the other side" says the same about Republicans. Oh well. Politics is a game where people make up the rules as they go along and in the end everyone loses.
Anyway, today's the day I'm starting up again after three months of silence. Clearing the old froggy throat.