Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What a disaster

Since no one reads this blog, I may as well say it here. Barack Obama has been our president for a little over a week and already things are as expected. It's all too predictable. The man bought his way in to the oval office, beguiled his way into the fantasies of liberals, morphed himself into a symbol ("The One") of salvation (from Bush?), harmony (heal racial strife?), and unity (bridge the political divide?), then once in office reminded us that campaign rhetoric can't always be believed so don't expect too much.

The man is no savior. The man is no president. The man is a quack. It remains to be seen how long before people take off their rose glasses and figure that out.

Some recent articles:

Stimulus Criticism Mounts (Larry Kudlow, NRO)

Obama Made a Rash Decision on Gitmo (John Woo, Wall Street Journal)

Time to Beam Down to Earth, President Obama (Victor Davis Hanson, NRO)

In today's LA Times, an article about how Iran "sets conditions for improved ties with U.S." Here's a little tidbit:
"We welcome change," Ahmadinejad said, referring to Obama's campaign mantra, "provided the change is fundamental and in the right direction." But "if you talk of change in policies, withdraw your forces from Afghanistan," he said. "If you say change in policies, then halt your support to the uncultivated and rootless, forged, phony, killers of women and children Zionists and allow the Palestinian nation to determine its own destiny."
From Gary Bauer's End of Day report:

“Dear Mahmoud”
During the campaign, candidate Obama made headlines by suggesting that he would meet, without preconditions, with some of America’s worst enemies, including Iran’s “president,” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Today, there are reports in the foreign media that State Department officials have written three drafts of a letter for President Obama to send to Ahmadinejad, in order to pave the way for a future meeting. (You may recall that Ahmadinejad wrote many letters to President Bush demanding that America convert to Islam.)

According to one report, the “conciliatory” Obama letter “gives assurances that Washington does not want to overthrow the Islamic regime.” If true, our green president may be on the verge of repeating the mistakes of Munich, seeking to appease the Islamofascists who have threatened to “wipe Israel off the map,” who have prayed for our destruction and who are the main suppliers of money and men for radical Islam’s jihad against the West.

Mark my words, Iran will use any negotiations to stall the West and buy precious time while it works feverishly to complete its nuclear weapons program. How sad that Obama is getting ready to crush the hopes of millions of Iranians who want to live in freedom, while he puts us and our Israeli allies at greater risk.

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