Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Journalists Then and Now

What a difference a few years in office makes...

Here's Evan Thomas of Newsweek in 2009 on Hardball with Chris Matthews:

Yes, you heard correctly. A journalist compared the new president to God ("he's sort of God").

Here's Thomas again, in 2011, on Inside Washington:

Interesting, the word "God" has been bleeped out this time.

Is it possible that some of these cheerleaders journalists have come out of their trance? Will the news media be more willing to scrutinize Barack Obama this time around? I hope so. I pray so. And not only the journalists who ought to know better (shame on them for their silly crush), but regular people, too. People (young and old) who fell for Obama's promises, believed his rhetoric, projected their fantasies onto him, were unconcerned about his lack of experience and paltry voting record. I hope they think twice before giving Obama a second term.

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