Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Symbol of a New America"

Ya think? Some of us already knew this. You're just figuring this out? 
"We are in the midst of historic cultural and demographic changes, and Obama is both the symbol and in some ways the architect of this new America " (Time Magazine Managing Editor Richard Stengel, explaining why Obama was chosen as this year's Person of the Year). 

Here's Gary Bauer commenting on this selection: "Obama's election and reelection were historic events. But the 'fundamental transformation of America' is not something to celebrate. The redefinition of marriage. Abortion on demand. Using the power of big government to force churches and men and women of faith to violate their cherished values. Record deficit spending that threatens to rob future generations of the American Dream."

To Bauer's description of this "new" America, I'd add: the balkanization of society; a dishonest, possibly even corrupt media; a polarized and divided electorate; the cynical celebration of Alynskyite/brass-knuckle, ends-justifies-the-means/Chicago-style politics in which the most polarizing, divisive, smarmy, and dishonest politician is somehow transformed into a messiah-like symbol of hope and unity while a decent, successful, morally upright, kind, honest, hard-working, politician is mocked and demonized. 

Barack Obama receives the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing

Barack Obama is elected president of the United States with a weak legislative voting record, radical pro-abortion positions, far left ideology, and little to no vetting from the mainstream media.

Barack Obama is re-elected president of the United States despite the fact that he has overseen:

Symbol of a new America, indeed. One hardly recognizes it anymore. 

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes feel God has put blinders on the people who do not seek Him. Or maybe they put blinders on themselves.
