Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Conspiracy Buffs Will Have Fun with "V"

Am I the only one wondering if the new series "V" contains an undercurrent of anti-Obama-ism? I do recall reading in the television review that the original series had an anti-Nazi thread running throughout, so there was some speculation as to whether this remake would reflect today's politics. Perry and I laughed out loud at one point when it was almost too obvious. It was the scene where Chad Decker, the handsome news anchor, was interviewing "Anna," the leader of the Visitors. Anna had just told Chad that one of the Visitors' goals was to open healing centers in every major city. "We want to provide complete medical services to all," Anna said, smiling. "You're talking about universal health care?" Chad asked, mouth agape. "I believe that's what you call it, yes," Anna replied with that same beatific smile and a (not ironic?) blink.

Out of curiosity I watched the show again (yay DVR) so I could pay closer attention, and I do think the conspiracy-theorists will have a ball with this program. There were some not-so-subtle comparisons between the "V's" and the new administration. Here's what I picked up, second viewing (OK, yeah, so I took notes...):

Father Jack the Cautious Priest to his superior: "It bothers me that they showed up right when we need them the most. The World's in bad shape...gratitude can morph into worship, or worse, devotion."

Tyler the Rebellious Teen to his concerned (FBI agent) mom Erica who warns him to stay away from the V's dangerous propaganda: "The V's call it spreading hope!"

Father Jack to his congregation: "We're all so quick to jump on the bandwagon...but before we get on, let's at least be sure it's sturdy. No one is saying don't trust the Visitors....but don't they need to earn our trust?"

Anna to Chad, right before their televised interview: "Just be sure not to ask questions that will protray us negatively...we can't be seen in a negative light...this interview will elevate your career, Mr. Decker. Don't you want to elevate your career?"

Anna's opening remarks to Chad once the interview begins: "Feel free to ask anything and everything. I'm here to discuss all topics without reserve" (smile, blink).

Anna, responding to Chad's question about describing where the Visitors come from: "We don't divide ourselves into countries. We're one united people."

Anna, responding to Chad's question about what Anna would say to those who are protesting the Visitors: "Embracing change is never easy, but the reward for doing so can be far greater than you can imagine."

Anna's right hand man (press secretary?), to Chad after the interview, reacting to Chad's anger at being manipulated by Anna: "Compromising one's principles for the greater good is not a shameful act. It is a noble one. Your people are easily threatened. What you did tonight went a long way towards reassuring them. What's the harm?"

Erica to Father Jack, after discovering the truth about the Visitors and deciding they need to organize an underground resistance: "They have a big head start. They're arming themselves with the most powerful weapon out there: devotion."

Final scene of Erica's son Tyler joining the Peace Ambassadors. "To the dawn of a new day."

PS just realized I'm not the only one who is noticing...the SciFi Wire is abuzz.

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