Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tell Us What you Really Think, Democrats

No secret here. The Democrats not only want God persona non grata in their party platform, they also would rather not acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Of course, that's not what Anthony Villaraigosa, the head of the Democratic National Convention, would have you think. Here's what apparently happened. Yesterday, the Democratic National Committee in charge of writing the party platform approved wording that removed both God and Israel from their 2012 platform. Today, Governor Ted Strickland asked the committee to suspend the rules of the platform in order to vote on two amendments reinstating wording to the platform that "invokes God and affirms Jerusalem as the capital of Israel."Approval for such action requires a two-thirds majority. Villaraigosa called for the votes, instructing the delegates to vote yay to approve or nay to reject the amended language.

You have to watch the video to understand just how bizarre this moment truly was. Villaraigosa has to ask for the vote three times. Each time, the no's out-shout the yays. Nevertheless, Villaraigosa declares that the yays have the majority. You can actually hear boos in the chamber.

I guess this is how the Democrats operate: it's not the actual vote that counts but what the top dog wants, in this case, Barack Obama himself, who realized belatedly that the platform language was a political disaster (even though he had apparently approved the platform prior to the convention, according to Politico). Chicago-style politics in all its glory.


OK, so the Democrats have revised their platform to embrace both God and Israel. So what? It's another charade. Because in spite of Villaraigosa's gavel-pounding declaration, the delegates clearly voiced their preference opposing the revised language. Thanks to YouTube and other media outlets, the heart of the Democratic party has been laid bare. In the aftermath of this comedy, Villaraigosa looks like a silly puppet, Obama looks like a panderer, and the Democratic party looks like it has lost its soul.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this is not my mother's Democratic party. I'd go so far as to say this is not my father's Democratic party, if only he would take a moment to listen to what they're saying.

Update! Debbie Wasserman Schultz couldn't tell the truth if she were offered a hundred dollars tax free! Here she is, calmly lying throughout an entire interview with a CNN reporter. Even Anderson Cooper seemed a bit slack-jawed afterwards. He actually seems to be mocking her when he observed she must live in an alternate universe. When CNN begins to point out the Democrats' dishonesty, you know the party is in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Anderson Cooper! Good article Elaine. :)
