Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Monday, November 3, 2008

Afternoon Before the Election

Someone asked me what were my thoughts....here's what I replied:

My political thoughts are, don't listen to the news, don't watch the election results, don't pay attention to the polls. I've heard it said that sometimes news outlets release early results from the east coast to discourage voters on the west from going to the polls. I've personally lost all trust in the media (mainstream) and have tended lately to go directly to National Review Online for the most reliable information. So I'm starting to just tune everything out.

My personal thoughts (as a Christian)....we are either about to enter a period of darkness if Obama wins (is this the beginning of the end? is this just a foreshadowing of the end?) or we will be be given a reprieve (if McCain wins). If the latter, I hope we (Christians) repent and see this reprieve as an opportunity to make a difference in our culture and that we (Republicans) don't gloat or grow complacent. There's been so much division and partisan rhetoric coming from our own party, we deserve this rebuke (if the Democrats sweep the White House and Congress). If the former, then the need for personal repentance and soul-searching is even more pressing, and I think we will need to brace ourselves for hard times. I'm astounded at the level of deception among those who have bought into Obama's promises of hope and change. I keep returning to a verse in the Bible that says "God will send a powerful delusion, that they may believe the lie." It's like people are under a spell. If Obama wins, I feel there will come a time when people snap out their spell and realize too late their error, but it will be too late....My sister, who supports Obama, naively said (in response to my suggestion that Obama is a charlatan), "Well, this is a democracy, and if it turns out that he's a nightmare, we can throw the bum out." I hope she's right, but there's a sense (in my soul) that it won't be that easy. Virtually nothing that has been "thrown" at him has stuck. He's survived Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, Michelle Obama, extremely abhorrent abortion positions, Biden, a blank Senate record, on and on we go....any one of which would have sunk another politician. There's something fishy going on....it's like he's insulated.

I believe God's in control, and He could derail this whole thing in a moment if He wanted (think parting of the Sea)....so if this election isn't all about things that are already meant to be, then there's reason yet to hope for a reprieve. That's what I'm choosing to believe for now....

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