I just read the following in Gary Bauer's End of Day report:
Thursday was another day of carnage on Wall Street, and the stocks of many major U.S. corporations are now selling in the single digits. Big Media, of course, are continuing to bash President Bush for the declines. But what about our president in waiting? Right now Barack Obama has only one major economic “solution” on the table and it is a real stinker. He wants to raise taxes on entrepreneurs, businesses and innovators! It would be hard to come up with a worse idea at a time when people are beginning to whisper words like “depression” and “deflation.” Obama doesn’t take the oath of office until January 20th. But right now he could hold a press conference and announce he is postponing all tax hikes. There would be an immediate rally in our markets. But Barack Obama is AWOL. Not a word. Instead, he leaves a dagger hanging over panicky investors who are watching their assets shrink and who are facing the prospect of giving more of their money to Washington, D.C., next year. Why would the president-elect not take more pro-active steps to assuage growing economic anxieties? Rahm Emmanuel may have let the cat out of the bag...Only a cynic would believe that an elected official would welcome a crisis in order to foist his agenda on a vulnerable electorate. Yet that is what I have become in the aftermath of this election. Indeed, I tend to believe this president-elect not only welcomes this (economic) crisis, but perhaps even created it (not he himself, but his Chicago affiliations, or others who have yet to be revealed). Years ago Hillary Clinton lamented what she called a "vast, right wing conspiracy." It's laughable now. What's not laughable is what I believe is, in fact, a vast (and very wealth) left-wing conspiracy. I keep waiting for the curtain to be pulled back, for the puppet strings to be exposed, and the puppet-master to be revealed.
...Unfortunately, there is growing evidence that as the Democrats close in on a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, the Left is increasingly eager, if not impatient, to ram through its radical agenda as quickly as possible. Consider these two quotes: “A new revolution is possible only in consequence of a new crisis,” and, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before. This is an opportunity.” The first was written by Karl Marx well over one hundred years ago. The second statement was uttered this week by Rahm Emmanuel, the soon-to-be White House Chief of Staff for President-elect Obama.
While unemployment is up, while foreclosures are up, while the stock market is tanking and retirement accounts are being wiped out, while whole industries teeter on the verge of bankruptcy, Rahm Emmanuel and other leftwing activists are celebrating the “crisis” as an “opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” What does that mean? Is he talking about socializing the auto industry? Is he talking about socializing health care? Is he talking about massive taxes for the sake of “fairness”? Is he talking about repealing the Defense of Marriage Act while you are distracted by the mortgage meltdown? This is a time for Americans who cherish faith, family and freedom to be extra vigilant. Yes, times of crisis demand decisive action. But they should not be exploited for other ideological or partisan purposes.
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