Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Scared into Silence"

Typical egregious behavior coming from the left in response to the story of Brad Pitt's mother, Jane Pitt, who expressed her views supporting Mitt Romney for president and encouraging Christians to support him, as well. The more I learn about the left, the more I realize how vicious, cruel, and vile they are. She has received death threats, been called horrendous names, and has even been on the receiving end of the left-wing media's smear-job. She says she has been "scared into silence."

So far only one person has publicly defended her (besides her other son Doug) and that person is Jon Voight, who said "good for her," and that he agrees with her positions (Jon Voight being Brad Pitt's father-in-law).

Good for Mr. Voight, and shame on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for refusing to comment (so far, at least). Maybe these assaults on his mother opens his eyes--these are the people he supposedly agrees with on social issues. Maybe it's time for self-examination. I hope and pray that other conservatives in Hollywood (and from what I hear, there are more than we know) will summon the courage not only to defend Ms. Pitt but to begin speaking up in support of conservative values. The time for cowering in shadows is over.

Jon Voight Defends Brad Pitt's Mom

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