Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Monday, October 27, 2008


So far I have tried to respect my family's unwritten rule about not engaging in political discussions and have been very restrained about sending emails and and other incendiary communications. But the longer this charade goes on, the more apparent it becomes that we are dealing with something entirely new in terms of media bias and manipulation and possibly corruption the likes of which has yet to be revealed, and consequently, the less able I am to respect the fact that my own family has been hoodwinked.

With John McCain, I feel as if the gap that divides my family could have shrunk. He's a unifier, a coalition builder. I echo the words of New York Times columnist David Brooks who recently wrote that McCain would have been a great president, and that his inevitable loss is "unspeakably sad." I think all of those Obama supporters--even my family--would have been comfortable with John McCain as their president. I know they hate Bush, but McCain is no Bush. His independent and yes maverick record was smeared and distorted by Obama, one of many ways he has deceived people into believing a McCain administration would be an extension of a Bush administration. Not so. Many will come to discover that Obama lied about many things, and I suspect they will come to regret your support of him. But only time will tell.

I am sorry that things are coming down this way. There will be no unifying or uniting of our country after this election, and there will be no unifying or uniting of our families after this election.

These are sad days ahead but I see they are happy, giddy for now.

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