Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Monday, October 27, 2008

Media Bias and the Truth

Does truth matter anymore? I'm beginning to wonder. It seems no one's paying attention anymore. Each time something new comes up that's even remotely newsworthy about Barack Obama, the "mainstream" media clamps up (case in point--Joe Biden's prediction about a major international event six months into Obama's presidency, and his implication that Obama wouldn't be prepared to deal with it).

Now here's another revelation about the media's unwillingness (or complicity in covering up) what should be open for discussion and scrutiny. Andrew McCarthy, a contributing editor at National Review Online, has posted an article called "The LA Times Suppresses Obama's Khalidi Bash Tape." You can read the article below if you have time, but the question McCarthy raises is this:

Why is the Los Angeles Times sitting on a videotape of the 2003 farewell bash in Chicago at which Barack Obama lavished praise on the guest of honor, Rashid Khalidi — former mouthpiece for master terrorist Yasser Arafat?

He goes on to write:

The party featured encomiums by many of Khalidi’s allies, colleagues, and friends, including Barack Obama, then an Illinois state senator, and Bill Ayers, the terrorist turned education professor. It was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), which had been founded by Khalidi and his wife, Mona, formerly a top English translator for Arafat’s press agency.

Is there just a teeny-weenie chance that this was an evening of Israel-bashing Obama would find very difficult to explain? Could it be that the Times, a pillar of the Obamedia, is covering for its guy?

This is newsworthy stuff given Obama's glib denials of a relationship with (say) William Ayers. Doesn't Barack Obama owe Americans an explanation about these relationships before they hand him the keys to the Oval Office?

Another columnist named Michael S. Malone at ABC News.com has also begun to express outrage about the media's peculair silence about any story that attempts to scrutinize Barack Obama. In an article he wrote on October 24 called "Media's Presidential Bias and Decline," he begins by saying that the media are playing a "very very dangerous game," and then says, "The sheer bias in the print and television coverage of this election campaign is not just bewildering, but appalling." You can read the rest of his very disturbing article below, if you have a moment.

One more blurb....here's a blog entry by Tom Gross (National Review Online). If Obama wins this election, one wonders how long it will be before the media wakes up from its groggy delusion and realizes what they've done...

Andrew McCarthy's article:

Columnist Tom Malone on slanted election coverage (ABC News)

Reporters outraged as Obama charges them $$$ for his election party (Tom Gross, NRO, blog):

Barack Obama may be swimming in campaign cash, but he still wants to charge reporters for the privilege of covering his Election Night activities at Grant Park in Chicago, reports John Fund in the Wall Street Journal. Crain’s Chicago Business adds that Obama’s campaign sent a memo saying the price for access to the media area, where electrical power will be available, will be between $715 and $1,815 depending on how many phone lines and power outlets are granted. Reporters who want to cover Obama campaign officials and interview them will have to gain access to a “Press File” tent for an additional $935 per person for admission. Lynn Sweet, Washington bureau chief for the Chicago Sun-Times, called the price list “an outrageous pay-to-play plan that caters to national elite [media] outlets.” She noted that many reporters don’t have extensive phone and electrical needs and yet will be priced out of covering Obama on Election Night. Are these the first signs of trouble between a future President Obama and the media that have so idolized him until now?

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