Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Reasons for Hope? I'm Not So Sure

I just read an article by Victor Davis Hanson (NRO), about why, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, John McCain still has a chance to win this election. Here's the link:


I admit to being skeptical, and to being among those who are losing hope. It does seem as if McCain is throwing stones at Goliath lately--the Goliath not being BO the man but BO the image--the Savior, the One, the Messiah (Nation of Islam's Messiah, that is--see previous entry below)--perpetuated by a mainstream media that have given up all pretention of objectivity (as Hanson points out). But I like Hanson's optimism and will go ahead and believe what hs says. Maybe he knows something about politics and elections and polls and voting patterns. If only there were a way to convince those who adore Obama--otherwise intelligent people like my dad, David, Bruce, et al--that their candidate is an illusion. I know they despise George Bush, which is why Obama's strategy of trying to frighten people into believing that a McCain presidency is "four more years of Bush" has been so effective. But McCain is no Bush. His record and his history in the Senate are proof enough of this. Of all the candidates running for President, McCain was the least likely to be likened to Bush (hence the reluctance of many Republicans to endorse him). Nevertheless, lies and distortions are what elections are all about, and Barack Obama is the smoothest of liars, the cleverest of manipulators. My family will be so pleased when (if) this chameleon becomes their president. I wonder when--at what point--they will discover they were duped.

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