Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them").

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The President and the Professor

Posted earlier

I felt like I needed to get a pen and notebook each time Obama was speaking ("first....second....finally....") and take notes. When McCain spoke all I could do was listen. Halfway through the debate I said to P-, "I want him to be my president." Barack Obama would make a fine professor, but it's McCain who inspires me, and who gets my vote this November.

Obama looked diminutive, definitely the junior figure on the stage, doing his best to keep up. I noticed McCain didn't even glance at Obama, despite Jim Lehrer's best attempts to get the candidates to "talk with each other." I think that's because McCain can barely tolerate Obama....he came across as disdainful. Some will fault him for this. I think I understood it. Obama is like this green banana....give him 20 years, McCain seems to be thinking, maybe then he'll be ready for this job.

When it was over, both P- and I agreed this debate was a blowout, in spite of McCain's somewhat shaky beginning (nerves maybe? that first answer was a mess). Imagine our suprise, then, when we listened to the post-debate analysis of Shields and Brooks (we listen to the News Hour), and both columnists said that Barack Obama seemed to hold his own, though McCain had the definite advantage in the foreign policy arena. I'm baffled by this assessment and will be even more so if tomorrow's papers come out with a similar conclusion. I felt Obama was totally out-matched, out-debated, certainly out of his league. I try to be objective, but that's how it came across to us. It may be different next debate, but this time, our vote: McCain 1/Obama 0.

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